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Cape Marguerite Flower

Bereavement support

SAIF Care bereavement support is offered by SAIF – the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors.

The service is available to the clients of all SAIF Funeral Directors, which includes Stockman & Loram.

Bereavement support from Stockman & Loram 

Most people expect to be very upset or distressed when someone close to them has died. What takes many people by surprise is how strong the emotions can be, how they can change very quickly, and how long they last.

People around you may seem to think you should be ‘back to normal’ after a few weeks or months. You might appear to be your usual self to other people, but you know that on the inside, you’re not even sure what normal is anymore.

Everyone grieves in a way that is unique to them and their relationship with the person who has died. Well-intentioned people may say to you, ‘time is a great healer.’ Sometimes, however, it can seem that life is more difficult as the weeks and months go by.

SAIF Care Logo

Get the help and support you need 

For further information on the help and support that is available please click here

White Lillies
To discuss funeral services for your loved one, call our team on
01803 552112, 01803 843710 or 01803 882385

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